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       There is more than the issue of Dengvaxia vaccine that could be helpful in diminishing numerous dengue cases.

        Dr. Charles Yu shared his experience as a parent with this vaccine injected to his daughter in 2016, he was so scared, but he proved that Dengvaxia is worth the try as a treatment.

        Given this example, if DOH would try to provide this vaccine that varies in the concentration level for each patient, there is a big possibility that the epidemic would stop, and there would be a proof of no death caused by this.

         The variation must be based on the immune system capability of the patient, because probably, the basis why this vaccines’ issue aroused is because of its constant amount applied to different body capacity.

          Moreover, Dr. Yu said that this should be allowed even just in the private sectors, which may be a basis and a stepping stone to avoid further proliferation of this mosquito disease, and stop the continuous outbreak.

          Even the President Duterte is in favor of believing in the power of science, even if a lot of studies are still pending to be approved, perhaps this is the time to risk for something that could not just help the infected ones, but also to provide secured and effective medicine for dengue, which is the Dengvaxia vaccine.

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