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The current government’s stand ‘human lives before human rights’ created a massive conflict in the country due to the presence of various opinions from all ages and social status. For some, it will be a big help to end the increasing number of crimes nationwide while for the others, human rights should always be a priority.
Department of Health advocates the use of herbal medicines taught by ethnic tribes for all types of diseases once proven and tested safe and effective by the professionals.
“Isang advantage kapag nag-promote tayo ng sarilinggamotnakasingbisarin ng mgagamotsaibangbansa,” Dr. Belen Dofitas, Dermatologist, explained.
She also added that it is better to have those herbal medicines because it don’t have any preservatives and chemicals on the process of making.
“Maraminamanghalamanggamot ang itinuro at iniwansaatinghenerasyonngayon,” she further stated.
Dofitas reminded that these ancient teachings should be preserved so the future generation will also have the chance to learn from it.
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